TSTT’s Eight (8) - Year Full-Circle Teacher Preparation Pipeline


Research shows that diversity is inherently valuable.  Many corporations, colleges and universities and government institutions have stated that we are stronger as a nation when people of varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives work and learn together; and that diversity and inclusion breed innovation.

Although progress has been made in recent years to improve graduation rates among students of color and to attract more teachers of color, a new report released by the Center for American Progress finds that nearly every state in the U.S. is experiencing a growing teacher diversity gap.

Only about 18% of teachers in the United States are men and women of color. In 2016, The U.S. Department of Education reported that over 50% of public school students are students of color, while only about 18% of teachers in the United States are men and women of color. And the number of male teachers of color is even less – nearly 4% of all teachers nationally.

Research has demonstrated that without having teachers of color as role models, students of color lag behind their white counterparts in the following areas: high school graduation rate; college admission rates, college graduation rates, higher dropout rates, higher suspension rates.

In a 2015 Harvard study, the research shows that diversity among teachers in the classroom can provide significant benefit to students. "Representation in the classroom: The effect of own-race teachers on student achievement", revealed disproportional numbers, in terms of a teaching staff that did not mirror the cultural diversity of the students being taught. Its goes on to state that the academic achievement of students of color increases when taught by teachers of color.

A John Hopkins Study, April 5, 2017 – “With Just One Black Teacher, Black Students More Likely to Graduate”  - The study points out that having at least one black teacher in third through fifth grades reduced a black student’s probability of dropping out of school by 29 percent, the study found. For very low-income black boys, the results are even greater – their chance of dropping out fell 39 percent.